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  • Are there local resources for learning more about PFAS exposure and how I can reduce my exposure every day?
    For more about how PFAS exposure has been reduced in the public water system and how you can reduce your exposure through education and day-to-day choices, please view this Resource Guide and check out PFAS Research in the Fountain Valley Communities website.
  • I live on a private well and my water has not been tested, who should I call?
    If you get your water from a private household well and are within the area of investigation please call 719-578-3131 for information about how to get a well water test. If you live outside of the area, visit for more information on how to get your private well tested.
  • I live on a private well and my water is contaminated. What kind of filter should I install?
    The two types of household filters that are effective at removing PFAS are granulated activated carbon filters and reverse osmosis filters. The links below provide more detailed information:
  • I have high levels of PFAS in my blood and am concerned about how this may affect my health. My doctor doesn’t know much about PFAS exposure and health. What information should I give them?
    Talking to Your Doctor about Exposure to PFAS Guidance on PFAS Exposure, Testing, and Clinical Follow-Up Pregnancy, infant feeding, and young children Addressing PFAS Concerns: A Guide for Health Care Providers An overview of the Science and Guidance for Clinicians on PFAS
  • I wasn’t able to participate in the Colorado SCOPE but would like to get my blood tested for PFAS, who should I call?
    Labs that perform PFAS blood testing: Information on the type of tube, details about handling, cost, and specific analysis request codes should be directed to the laboratories.

Movie night? CO SCOPE's Movie Recommendations

Promotional Image - Dark Waters movie2.jpg

Dark Waters* tells the story of how these chemicals became known contaminants. Rated PG-13. Family friendly.

Both movies are available at local libraries.

People living in the Fountain Valley communities between 2006 and 2015 were exposed to PFAS in drinking water. 

We think these movies are a great way to educate people about PFAS and help them understand the importance of our study.

The Devil We Know Film_1.jpeg

The Devil We Know* explores the dangerous effects of PFAS by focusing on ordinary people who were impacted in 2005.

 This one is more suitable for older audiences.

New in PFAS Resources

PFAS Information for Clinicians

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)


For clinicians to reference when providing care to their patients in communities that are impacted by PFAS exposure. 

PFAS Exchange

Silent Spring Institute


A resource center about PFAS contaminants in drinking water to help communities understand their exposures and take action to protect their health.

For more information:

This research study has been approved by the

Colorado Multiple Institution Review Board (COMIRB)

COMIRB Protocol #:  20-2625 

Principal Investigator: John Adgate, PhD, MSPH 

Project Title: PFAS Exposure and Health Effects in El Paso County  

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